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ECOC 2020

5G Wireless Deployment Experience

OE Solutions has been a leading supplier to some of the earliest field deployments of 5G wireless, incl. the national network of South Korea. Cost-efficient use of the existing fiber plant was critical and resulted in novel wavelength plans, which today are in commercial operation. 5G radio access network architectures will continue to evolve as service demands grow and OE Solution will leverage the early experience to build on our legacy of delivering reliable cost-efficient transceiver solutions. Ask us about our real-world 5G experience. And, don’t forget to ask about participating in our prize drawing.


25G is the new 10G for wireless

OE Solutions offers a broad range of 25G optical transceivers for next-generation wireless deployments, including LAN-WAN, CWDM and DWDM in both O- and C-band. These are available today and have been proven in the field in Korea’s nationwide 5G wireless network deployments. The latest member of the portfolio is a 25Gbps transceiver using 12.5Gbaud PAM4 encoding to extend the reach beyond the dispersion limit of NRZ at the same data rate. Contact us via the ECOC portal or by email to learn more – don’t forget to ask about participating in our prize drawing.