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Current Price 2024/11/03 19:35:39 Base (장마감)
    • A138080
      OE Solutions

    • Current Price   10,020
    • Change ▼240(-2.34%)

    • Volume (share) 7,232

    • Trade Cost 73,513,860
Open(KRW) 10,420 Upper Limit 13,330
High(KRW) 10,420 Lower Limit 7,190
Low(KRW) 10,000 ParValue 500
PER 0.00 52wks
(Closing Price)
High 17,270
No. of Listed Shares(shr.) 10,624,095 Low 9,200
Sale Balance Quotation Purchase Balance
161 10,120
9 10,100
24 10,090
379 10,080
34 10,020
10,010 29
10,000 57
9,990 62
9,980 130
9,970 2
607 Total 280
Trading Time Close(₩) Change Asked Price Bid Price Purchase Balance
15:30:00 10,020 240 10,020 10,010 355
15:20:00 10,080 180 10,020 10,010 100
15:18:50 10,060 200 10,060 10,050 1
15:16:20 10,060 200 10,070 10,060 1
15:16:10 10,070 190 10,070 10,020 2
15:14:20 10,070 190 10,080 10,020 1
15:10:10 10,010 250 10,070 10,010 1
15:02:10 10,090 170 10,080 10,010 1
14:59:10 10,080 180 10,080 10,030 1
14:59:00 10,080 180 10,080 10,030 50
Asked Rank Bid Rank
Stock Firm Volume(share) Stock Firm Volume(share)
Kiwoomcom Securitie 1,181 Kiwoomcom Securitie 2,092
MRASDW 664 Samsung Securities C 518
Korea Investment S 433 Daishin Securities C 462
Daishin Securities C 433 Korea Investment S 379
Date Close(₩) Change Open High Low Volume(share) Trade Cost
24/11/01 10,020 240 10,420 10,420 10,000 7,232 73,513,860
24/10/31 10,260 30 10,180 10,370 10,160 6,427 65,750,220
24/10/30 10,290 60 10,350 10,430 10,290 3,744 38,737,170
24/10/29 10,350 60 10,160 10,420 10,150 12,419 128,456,290
24/10/28 10,290 290 10,000 10,290 10,000 18,076 182,644,330
24/10/25 10,000 160 10,160 10,420 9,920 5,482 55,087,620
24/10/24 10,160 160 10,200 10,430 10,160 9,562 98,179,370
24/10/23 10,320 430 9,890 10,730 9,840 27,192 277,376,510
24/10/22 9,890 240 10,100 10,180 9,840 16,489 163,804,630
24/10/21 10,130 120 10,320 10,320 10,100 10,444 105,807,700