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Stock Info

Current Price
    • A138080
      OE Solutions

    • Current Price   11,110
    • Change ▲260(2.40%)

    • Volume (share) 34,325

    • Trade Cost 374,679,370
Open(KRW) 10,570 Upper Limit 14,100
High(KRW) 11,130 Lower Limit 7,600
Low(KRW) 10,570 ParValue 500
PER 0.00 52wks
(Closing Price)
High 16,150
No. of Listed Shares(shr.) 10,624,095 Low 9,080
Sale Balance Quotation Purchase Balance
339 11,160
131 11,150
154 11,140
79 11,130
6 11,120
11,110 2,068
11,100 690
11,030 1,068
11,010 19
11,000 13
709 Total 3,858
Trading Time Close(₩) Change Asked Price Bid Price Purchase Balance
15:30:00 11,110 260 11,120 11,110 1,968
15:20:00 11,110 260 11,120 11,110 57
15:19:30 11,110 260 11,130 11,110 1
15:18:50 11,130 280 11,130 11,110 231
15:18:30 11,120 270 11,130 11,120 50
15:18:20 11,120 270 11,130 11,120 204
15:18:00 11,110 260 11,120 11,100 11
15:17:50 11,100 250 11,110 11,100 9
15:17:30 11,100 250 11,110 11,100 1,440
15:17:20 11,090 240 11,100 11,030 400
Asked Rank Bid Rank
Stock Firm Volume(share) Stock Firm Volume(share)
MRASDW 5,744 MRASDW 8,652
NHIS 4,266 Korea Investment S 5,774
Kiwoomcom Securitie 4,136 Shinhan Investment C 5,561
Korea Investment S 3,772 Kiwoomcom Securitie 2,644
KB Sec 3,501 Merrill Lynch 2,395
Date Close(₩) Change Open High Low Volume(share) Trade Cost
25/01/20 11,110 260 10,570 11,130 10,570 34,325 374,679,370
25/01/17 10,850 40 10,890 10,920 10,590 22,026 237,256,900
25/01/16 10,890 10 10,920 10,920 10,580 20,382 218,388,210
25/01/15 10,880 40 10,920 10,940 10,700 15,596 168,286,700
25/01/14 10,920 280 10,650 10,920 10,400 29,975 319,656,770
25/01/13 10,640 360 10,250 10,860 10,140 87,260 921,538,150
25/01/10 10,280 10 10,420 10,420 10,190 6,374 65,128,090
25/01/09 10,290 110 10,460 10,460 10,140 13,437 137,226,290
25/01/08 10,400 100 10,290 10,400 10,170 10,000 102,275,040
25/01/07 10,300 170 10,470 10,480 10,230 8,097 83,527,600