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Stock Info

Current Price
    • A138080
      OE Solutions

    • Current Price   10,600
    • Change ─0(0.00%)

    • Volume (share) 5,410

    • Trade Cost 57,137,670
Open(KRW) 10,480 Upper Limit 13,780
High(KRW) 10,650 Lower Limit 7,420
Low(KRW) 10,480 ParValue 500
PER 0.00 52wks
(Closing Price)
High 17,270
No. of Listed Shares(shr.) 10,624,095 Low 9,200
Sale Balance Quotation Purchase Balance
230 10,640
20 10,630
222 10,620
502 10,610
145 10,600
10,580 5
10,540 10
10,530 4
10,520 55
10,510 551
1,119 Total 625
Trading Time Close(₩) Change Asked Price Bid Price Purchase Balance
15:30:00 10,600 0 10,600 10,580 513
15:20:00 10,540 60 10,600 10,580 10
15:19:00 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 1
15:17:30 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 5
15:16:40 10,540 60 10,540 10,520 20
15:14:40 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 2
15:13:50 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 10
15:13:20 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 10
15:11:50 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 1
15:10:10 10,520 80 10,540 10,520 63
Asked Rank Bid Rank
Stock Firm Volume(share) Stock Firm Volume(share)
Korea Investment S 858 Kiwoomcom Securitie 1,318
Samsung Securities C 724 MRASDW 1,224
MRASDW 675 Daishin Securities C 792
JPMorgan Securitie 659 KB Sec 446
Daishin Securities C 599 Samsung Securities C 410
Date Close(₩) Change Open High Low Volume(share) Trade Cost
24/10/04 10,600 0 10,480 10,650 10,480 5,409 57,127,080
24/10/02 10,600 180 10,640 10,790 10,460 5,900 62,540,210
24/09/30 10,780 260 11,040 11,040 10,520 18,267 196,482,540
24/09/27 11,040 140 10,850 11,180 10,850 8,215 90,958,010
24/09/26 10,900 30 11,000 11,020 10,820 10,213 111,861,030
24/09/25 10,930 60 10,770 10,960 10,770 4,968 54,079,420
24/09/24 10,870 200 10,590 10,960 10,590 7,802 84,011,620
24/09/23 10,670 140 10,800 10,800 10,590 4,926 52,408,750
24/09/20 10,810 10 10,760 10,990 10,700 3,379 36,419,660
24/09/19 10,800 10 10,800 10,890 10,630 10,640 114,079,750