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Current Price 2024/12/06 15:43:55 Base (장마감)
    • A138080
      OE Solutions

    • Current Price   9,720
    • Change ▼240(-2.41%)

    • Volume (share) 27,565

    • Trade Cost 266,234,150
Open(KRW) 9,820 Upper Limit 12,940
High(KRW) 9,930 Lower Limit 6,980
Low(KRW) 9,530 ParValue 500
PER 0.00 52wks
(Closing Price)
High 17,270
No. of Listed Shares(shr.) 10,624,095 Low 9,200
Sale Balance Quotation Purchase Balance
99 9,780
232 9,770
105 9,750
300 9,730
93 9,720
9,710 231
9,600 92
9,590 137
9,580 204
9,560 205
829 Total 869
Trading Time Close(₩) Change Asked Price Bid Price Purchase Balance
15:30:00 9,720 240 9,720 9,710 119
15:20:00 9,710 250 9,720 9,710 488
15:19:30 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 10
15:19:00 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 10
15:18:10 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 1
15:17:00 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 10
15:15:20 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 6
15:15:00 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 4
15:13:10 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 10
15:12:40 9,690 270 9,690 9,680 1
Asked Rank Bid Rank
Stock Firm Volume(share) Stock Firm Volume(share)
Kiwoomcom Securitie 6,195 Daishin Securities C 6,649
Shinhan Investment C 3,616 Kiwoomcom Securitie 6,009
KB Sec 3,332 MRASDW 4,063
Daishin Securities C 2,099 Korea Investment S 2,176
NHIS 2,093 NHIS 2,097
Date Close(₩) Change Open High Low Volume(share) Trade Cost
24/12/06 9,720 240 9,820 9,930 9,530 27,563 266,214,710
24/12/05 9,960 140 10,190 10,270 9,880 16,820 169,922,870
24/12/04 10,100 40 9,910 10,100 9,800 13,384 133,203,710
24/12/03 10,140 110 10,180 10,570 10,000 21,919 223,151,120
24/12/02 10,030 40 10,270 10,270 9,950 10,712 107,134,130
24/11/29 10,070 80 10,080 10,180 9,990 11,157 111,960,250
24/11/28 10,150 10 10,300 10,300 10,080 10,692 108,462,440
24/11/27 10,160 90 10,280 10,360 9,990 15,907 161,206,200
24/11/26 10,250 20 10,230 10,270 10,160 6,916 70,696,070
24/11/25 10,230 10 10,280 10,280 10,150 8,455 86,271,110